Most people for when you ask them about their fondest childhood memories will usually tell you a story about a special gift they received around Christmas time, or when their favorite aunts and uncles safely traveled to their home from the other side of the globe. For myself, I remember being so excited to get my power wheels fire truck from Santa, but now it’s all about the holiday specials and family for me.
If you are traveling over the pond to Grandmother’s house for Christmas or taking a train to Paris for the New Year, SI Alarms Ltd wishes you the safest travel conditions possible. Here are some safe travel Travelling and Holiday trip advice from the American Red Cross. Visit their website for the full list and to download their First Aid App.
1. Remember that everything you touch has to be touched by someone else – luggage handlers, etc. Handle your own belongings as much as possible. Wash your hands often with soap and water.
2. Carry hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes with you. You can use them to wash your hands or wipe down surfaces such as armrests.
3. Bring your own pillows and blankets – they can act as a shield against the seat itself.
1. Make sure your vehicle is in good working order. Fill your gas tank, check the air pressure in your tires and make sure you have windshield fluid.
2. Buckle up, slow down, don’t drink and drive.
3. Make frequent stops on long trips. If you’re too tired to drive, stop and rest.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year!